What's New in SharePoint 2010 & Externalizing Content BLOBs with BlueThread

The Chicago Microsoft SharePoint Business Strategies Group
Wed, 4 Nov 2009, 00:00 - 02:00 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , Chicago, US

Meeting Agenda

6:00 to 6:15: Meet and Greet / Networking

6:15 to 6:30: "What's New" in SharePoint 2010. Rightpoint will provide a summary and the highlights of SharePoint Conference including what's new in SharePoint 2010.

6:30 to 7:15: "Show & Tell": Rob D’Oria, Senior Principal/CTO at BlueThread Technologies, will provide an overview of the performance, security and scalability benefits of SharePoint BLOB storage. He will also discuss how BlueThread’s StoragePoint solution can be leveraged to externalize SharePoint content to different endpoints including Windows Azure BLOB Storage, EMC Atmos Online, and Amazon S3 Cloud storage. BlueThread will give-a-way a Dell Inspiron Mini Netbook!

7:15 to 7:30: Wrap-up and ideas for next meeting

Pizza and beverages will be provided.

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