Makerbot: A Unique Java-Enabled CNC Device

Something a little different this month, learn how Java technology can extend the capabilities of a unique CNC device, Makerbot.

Abstract: You will be introduced to an open source 3D printer - the MakerBot cupcake. All of the cupcake software and hardware is open source and it prints objects using ABS plastic. The Makerbot control module is derived from the open source Arduino project and was developed in Java. Rick Pollack will demonstrate the printer, take us through the hardware and explain the software used to configure and operate the machine. He will also discuss the g-code extension he developed in Java to allow the Makerbot to tweet and communicate with external applications. The MakerBot Cupcake is the first killer app of digital fabrication and super fun to make and use!

Bio: Rick Pollack founded in 2009 to develop products and services for the rapidly expanding maker community. He has a background in software development and worked in areas including: finance, insurance, training, retail, research, video games, and open innovation. He was the VP of product development and a principal at eCCS (acquired by Reynolds and Reynolds in 2000) which developed CRM software for the automobile industry. More recently he was the VP of Technology for NineSigma, a leader in the realm of Open Innovation (and one of the companies mentioned in the original Wired Crowdsourcing article) where he worked on developing a global network of scientists, inventors, and entrepreneurs to solve complex scientific problems. He has a B.S. in computer science from an accredited university. Though he enjoys the startup process and has founded, co-founded or worked for several - he really just likes to make stuff…

Food/drink/network, 5:30PM, discussion begins at 6:00PM.

Hope to see you there!


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