The Boston Java December Meetup

The Boston Java Meetup Group
21-22 Dec 2009 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , Cambridge, US

Vineet Sinha of architexa will be presenting at the November JAVA Meetup.

Vineet says:

"The simplicity of developing web apps using Object Relationship Mapping and RESTful Web Services has led to the success of frameworks like Ruby on Rails. In this talk we take you through our journey where we took a Rails app and rebuilt it from the ground-up using Java to be scalable via the cloud while still supporting taking advantage of these technologies, their corresponding standards, and available frameworks.

"We discuss building applications that are scalable by design, and cover the strengths and weaknesses of different types of cloud based applications - from taking advantage of infrastructure clouds to platform clouds. We show a simple example of building a cloud app on Google's App Engine. We then discuss how some technologies, can allow to not only allow easy deploying to Google's App Engine but also enable on-premise deployments.

"We rapidly cover a number of techniclogies in this talk: We cover going beyond Hibernate for data access in our applications to developing to the standardized JPA spec for for use in the cloud. We walk through REST capabilities provided via the JAX-RS standard and the growing number of implementations supporting it. We cover the limitations when using some of the implementations of the standard, and discuss how to get around them."

Vineet is the Founder (President & CTO) of Architexa (, which is building a suite designed to help software developers understand, document, and collaborate about important aspects of their code. Vineet is passionate about building tools to help improve developer productivity, and has been doing so since 1999 when building tools at Microsoft. He has more recently tackled these problems as part of his PhD work at the MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab (CSAIL), which along with work done in collaboration with Accenture Research Labs has formed the core of Architexa.

Vineet has been speaking at EclipseCon regularly since 2007, and has been building tools on Eclipse since 2003. Beyond Eclipse technologies such as RCP, JDT, RAP, GEF and GMF, he has been doing work with the latest Java standards: JAX-RS (Rest support) and JPA (ORM support).

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