JAVAWUG BOF 52 What is Oracle Doing with Java?

Thu, 3 Dec 2009, 18:30 - 20:30 (Add to calendar) GMT
Oracle, City Of London , London, GB



Title: Oracle and Java Speaker: Duncan Mills, Sr. Director, Oracle Development Tools

Whilst the future of the Oracle/ Sun deal is in the hands of the European Union we can't talk in detail about Oracle's plans for Java or any other Sun product. However, in this talk I'll explain exactly how Oracle, as a major consumer of Java in it's own right, uses the Java platform for it's own application development. This will concentrate on the key technologies and frameworks that we use, and why we use them, for building both web user interfaces and other parts of the solution stack.


Title: 15 Java libraries every Java developer should know about Speaker: Joe Walnes

A quick tour of some high quality libraries that can improve productivity and functionality. Some new, some old. Some well known, some unsung heroes.

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