Androids Dream of Monadic Sheep

New York Scala Enthusiasts
4-5 Jan 2010 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , New York, US

Do you like... [list]

  • Expressive programming languages
  • Aggressively mobile APIs
  • Software marketplaces that are not a cross between the movies Brazil and Evita, with Phil Schiller shoving Madonna off a balcony to pacify the crowd with multitouch gestures
  • [/list]

    ??? If you answered YES to any two of the above, then you'll LOVE Androids Dream of Monadic Sheep, the next New York Scala Enthusiasts Meetup. In this survey of Android development in Scala, we'll walk through the regular Android SDK setup, the android-plugin for the Scala builder simple-build-tool, and the Scala source for a working Android application that takes event pictures and uploads them to Meetup. Finally, we will install the application to take and upload pictures of our Meetup.


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    “Better train people and risk they leave – than do nothing and risk they stay.” - Anonymous