Foursquare Holiday Party

Web 2.0 and Social Media Marketing
Wed, 23 Dec 2009, 00:30 - 02:30 (Add to calendar) GMT
Lincoln Station , Chicago, US

Foursquare Holiday Party

You are invited to the Foursquare Holiday Party at Lincoln Station on Tuesday, December 22 from 6:30pm to 8pm: Lincoln Station 2432 North Lincoln Avenue Chicago, IL 60614-2438 (773) 472-8100

Come out and enjoy a selection of appetizers and meet the Chicago's Foursquare Street Team. If you are a passionate Foursquare user or would like to learn more about this game changing mobile application, you need to be here. We will discuss how businesses are using Foursquare to reward their loyal customers in a fun and friendly environment. Foursquare will be expanding the Chicago Street Team so learn how to be part of of this growth. is a location-based social networking website, software for mobile devices, and game. Users "Check-in" at venues using text messaging or a device specific application. They are then awarded points and sometimes "badges." The service was created by Dennis Crowley and Naveen Selvadurai; Crowley had previously founded the similar project Dodgeball which Google bought and shelved in 2009. allows registered users to connect with friends and update their location. Points are awarded on weekends and non-business hours for "checking in" at venues. Users can choose to have their Twitter accounts updated when they check in. In version 1.3 of their iPhone application, Foursquare enabled push-notification of friend updates, which they call "Pings." Users can earn badges by checking in at locations with certain tags or for check-in frequency. In the future users will be able to add their own custom badges to the site. If a user has checked-in to a venue more than anyone else, on separate days, and they have a profile photo, they will be crowned "Mayor" of that venue, until someone else earns the title. Users can create a "To Do" list for their private use and add "Tips" to venues that other users can read. is currently available in 100 metro areas, including Amsterdam, Atlanta, Austin, Boston, Chicago, Dallas/Fort Worth, Denver, Detroit, Helsinki, Houston, Las Vegas, London, Los Angeles, Miami, Minneapolis/St. Paul, New York City, Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, Phoenix, Portland, San Diego, San Francisco, Seattle, Toronto, Washington, D.C. currently has an iPhone and Android application and is working on applications for BlackBerry and the Palm Pre.

For more information or questions please contact: Todor Krecu (773) 257-3282 tkrecu (@)

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