Business apps with WPF - the full monty - Featuring Oliver Sturm

Scottish Developers
Wed, 5 Mar 2008, 14:00 - 17:00 (Add to calendar) GMT
Microsoft Ltd, Lismore House , Edinburgh, GB
£10 (with Early Bird Discount)
Business apps with WPF - the full monty

Lots of demos of WPF show flashy UIs with animations and videos and trickery worthy of a Hollywood production worked over by ILM. Is that what your next business app is going to look like? Probably not. Nevertheless, WPF can do a lot for you, because it's the most powerful and most productive UI platform out there. Full stop. This double session walks you through the whole process of creating a business application with WPF, focusing on how it saves you development time.

Oliver Sturm is an experienced software architect, developer, trainer and author, with a strong background in various different fields including system and framework architecture and design, process modeling and user interface design. He is a C# MVP and he works for Developer Express as a Technical Evangelist and Lead Program Manager for the Frameworks Division.

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