What's new in Silverlight 4?

The New York WPF and Silverlight Meetup Group
25-26 Jan 2010 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , New York, US

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• What's new in Silverlight 4? - David Isbitski
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What's new in Silverlight 4?
Level 200, 90 mins
The next version of Silverlight was announced a few weeks ago at PDC and promises to bring a slew of new features developers have been craving. Come get a heads on look at some of the more exciting new features (Webcam, Printing, Out of Browser) as well as a roadmap of where Silverlight is heading in the coming year.

David Isbitski
Ever since creating his first "Choose Your Own Adventure" video game using Commodore BASIC, Dave has been fascinated by the potential of computers and the worlds they can bring to us. Debuting in the Enterprise space with Visual Basic 5, he has worked with Microsoft Technologies all of his career at various Fortune 100/500 companies. He enjoys talking about technology and has taught full day courses on many Microsoft topics as well as being a presenter at VSLive!, Re-Mix, XAMLFest, CodeCamps and other events. His current passion is showing companies in the Mid-Atlantic States the importance of good user experience and how to implement it within their Enterprise. Dave can be found on Twitter at http://twitter.com/th... and frequently posts to his blog at http://CoolStuffWith.....

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