Core Spring: Developing with the Spring Framework Course

OpenSource & Agile Community Events
Tue, 26 Jan 2010, 09:00 - 11:00 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , London EC1A 4DD, GB

In this intensive and highly practical 4-day Spring training course, you will learn how to use the Spring Framework to create well-designed, testable business applications in an agile manner.
During this Spring 2.5 course, you will learn Spring's features and how to use them. You will also become familiar with fundamental architectural issues, which you will need to be aware of when developing with the Spring framework: It is important to know how to use certain parts of the Spring framework, but even more important to be able to decide when to use them!

Completion of this course entitles each participant to waive the registration fee for the SpringSource Certified Professional Examination. When you become a SpringSource Certified Professional you will have one of the most valuable credentials in Java!


* Work with the Spring Inversion of Control (IoC) Container
* Effectively use JDBC and Hibernate for data access
* Use JUnit, Spring, stubs and mocking frameworks to effectively implement automated unit and integration tests
* Take advantage of Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP) to keep code clean and maintainable
* Use Spring Security to secure web and standalone applications
* Manage live applications with ease using Spring’s support for Java Management Extensions (JMX)

There is an early bird discounted rate of just £1850.00 + VAT if you book before the 27th December 2009. This course is also currently on 2 for 1 if you book before the 27th December and you get a £100 Amazon Gift Certificate if you book before the 31st December as a Christmas present from Skills Matter.

If you would like to join us, please register today at http://skillsmatter.c...

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