Leading and Excelling during a Recession

Edge Networking
2-3 Feb 2010 (Add to calendar) GMT
Newtown , Montreal, CA

Times are tough. The failure rate of new businesses is already high and an economy in recession doesn't make things any easier. Yet, even in these tough times, some businesses are finding ways to not just survive, but to excel and grow. What makes them different from other companies?

Our guest speaker next month will be Mr. Robert Saggers, a management consultant with over 20 years of experience in organizational learning and leadership development. His past clients include the likes of Bombardier, Ericksson, and IMS Health Canada just to name a few. In his presentation, Mr. Saggers will share some of his thoughts and experiences on creative problem solving, decision making, and performance management during a recession. His practical knowledge will help you be among the elite companies that find ways to grow regardless of economic conditions.

The event will take place at Cafe Java U, located at 5511 avenue Monkland (near Metro Villa Maria). Don't miss out on a great chance to learn from a seasoned expert. We look forward to seeing you there.

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