Two For Tuesday

26-27 Jan 2010 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , Indianapolis, US

IndyFlash and IndyFlex invite you to an event showing Flash and Flex working together. You get two Adobe user groups for the price of one (free)!

Sam Souhrada of IndyFlex will talk about creating a flash component for Flex. The idea is it to give you a better understanding of how Flex and Flash communicate back and forth. Also, Mick Kelly of IndyFlex will give a brief show and tell on how the new IndyFlex website works (using Flex).

This meeting is at ITT Tech Institute on the north side of Indianapolis. ITT Tech has graciously allowed us the use of their facilities at 9511 Angola Court, Indianapolis 46268. When you get there, park anywhere and then locate Lab 1 for our meeting room. There should be signs posted to help you find it. Special thanks to Tracy Grimes for offering us the space on short notice.

- Scott B Reynolds

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