A night in the cloud

26-27 Feb 2010 (Add to calendar) GMT
Fanshawe College , London, CA

A Night in the Cloud
Come out and join us on February 26th at Fanshawe College for a night developing in the cloud.

Cory Fowler, a Techdays 2009 speaker will be discussing cloud computing.

During the course of the presentation you will learn the benefits of cloud computing, and how to leverage the features of Windows Azure. We will start by creating a Web Role (Web Application) using the Developer Fabric to simulate the cloud environment on our local machine. Next we will upgrade our application and add the ability to store data using Developer Storage and modifying the Service Configuration file. We will also cover debugging an application in the cloud as well as creating a background process using worker roles.

As well,

Robert McCarter, a developer and trainer who has travelled much of North America will discuss his use of Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP) within a large project he is currently managing.

Come out and enjoy free pizza and pop, and don’t forget about the prizes!!

You can follow us on Twitter: #FCDNUG

See you there,

Tony Curcio, Developer and Organizer of ForestCityAsp.NET


Fanshawe College London Ontario N5Y 5R6

When: February 26th, 2010 6:30 to 8:30

Pizza and Pop: 6:00 to 6:30

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