Vermont.NET : WPF & MVVM

8-9 Feb 2010 (Add to calendar) GMT
30 Community Drive , South Burlington, US

Speaker: Rick Martin (PAR Spring-Miller Systems ) Location: GE Healthcare, So. Burlington Topic: WPF and the MVVM Design Pattern This talk covers some cool techniques used to build scalable apps with WPF and Silverlight. We'll introduce the Model-View-ViewModel design pattern and learn how to leverage WPF's resource and command systems, covering a few tips and tricks along the way

Speaker Bio: Rick Martin has been developing software for over 25 years and is currently a senior software developer for PAR Springer-Miller Systems. As part of the Advanced Product Technologies group Rick evaluates current software technologies, helps establish software design and development techniques, and assists with the future technological direction of the company. PAR Springer-Miller Systems specializes in software solutions for resorts, casinos, and boutique hotels.

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