March 12th - Advanced Analysis and Reporting with Microsoft SQL Server

TechLife Columbus
Fri, 12 Mar 2010, 13:00 - 15:00 (Add to calendar) GMT
8800 Lyra Drive , Columbus, US

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Ad-Hoc Analysis with PowerPivot

Jim Dial, a partner technology advisor focused on Microsoft’s application platform, will be joining us to demonstrate an exciting new Microsoft technology called PowerPivot, which is an add-in for Microsoft Excel 2010. In this demo Jim will demonstrate how PowerPivot can be used to quickly analyze millions of rows of data from multiple data sources that simply wasn’t possible in the past. Additionally, he will show us how PowerPivot, in conjunction with new features in Excel 2010 can also be used for in-depth data analysis. Last, we’ll see how PowerPivot for Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010 can be used to surface rich data analysis to users without them needing to use Excel and to give your IT staff greater insight into what kinds of data users are analyzing and how that’s impacting IT resources so they can be optimized to better meet users’ needs.

Advances in Ad-hoc Reporting with Report Builder 3.0

This session will show how the new Report Builder 3.0 makes ad hoc report design and development easy, robust and fast. Learn how Report Builder leverages shared data connections and how it can enable non-technical users to create reports. Also, discover how Report Builder can be used to create graphical reports that solve certain dashboard problems. Topics will include:

* Report Builder 3.0 Overview & Architecture
* Addressing common report development needs with Report Builder
* Understanding how to model data to enable ad hoc reporting with Report Builder
* Leveraging new charting and graphics features in Report Builder
* Sharing reports between ad hoc report developers

Special Opportunity: Each attendee will receive a 25% off coupon to attend any SQL or Microsoft Workshop at Result Data in March and April. Restrictions apply.


8:30 Check-In

9:00 Introduction & Announcements

9:15 Ad-hoc Analysis with PowerPivot

10:00 BREAK

10:15 Advances in Ad-hoc Reporting with Report Builder 3.0

11:30 Raffle – Door Prize

Who Should Attend: This seminar is targeted at executive and managers who are interested in improving how reports and information are made available to both internal and external users in their organizations. Sessions will provide conceptual overviews of the topics as well as live demonstrations of the technologies. While this is not a technical “how to” seminar technical personnel will be on-hand to answer questions so bring your IT support personnel.

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