Shader Mania

The New York WPF and Silverlight Meetup Group
26-27 Apr 2010 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , New York, US

This month we have a special out-of-town guest and a special day.


  • Pizza!
  • Shader Mania - Walt Ritscher, Wintellect
  • Raffle

    Because I need to get the attendee list to Microsoft early for the building security, I must close registration at the end of the day on Wednesday, April 21. Please reply before if you wish to attend.

    Shader Mania
    Both Silverlight and WPF support custom pixel shaders. In this session you learn the concepts behind Pixel shaders and see how .NET makes it simple to create managed wrappers for the shader binaries. You’ll also explore the low level language for constructing shaders; known as High Level Shader Language (HLSL), and see how Expression Blend can be used to quickly add shaders to your UI.

    Walt Ritscher
    Walt Ritscher's enthusiasm for crafting software interfaces blossomed early. Just a few days after discovering how to make pixels move around the screen of a borrowed computer, he was devouring books on the topic of computer graphics and UI design. Now he travels the world speaking at software conferences and teaching a diverse portfolio of programming topics for corporate clients. On the consulting side, he continues to work with customers like Microsoft, HP, Intel, and Intuit, and he enjoys being part of the Wintellect consultant group.

    He writes for several publications, including CODE Magazine and TechTarget, plus he is the author of the popular Silverlight 3 Essential Training video series ( His current UI obsession revolves around the Silverlight, Surface, and WPF APIs. His blog can be found at Walt is also a Microsoft MVP, a WPF Disciple, and the author of the free Shazzam WPF/Silverlight Shader utility (http://shazzam-tool.c... ).
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