Bringing together Flex, Java, and DBMS with Yakov Fain

Atlanta Flex & Actionscript Coders Meetup
Mon, 29 Mar 2010, 16:30 - 18:30 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , Atlanta, US

Bringing together Flex, Java and DBMS

The main goal of many enterprise applications is to provide a way to manipulate some data. Flex provides not only a rich library of UI components, but also a fast binary protocols that allow to efficiently move data between the server and the efficiently. In this presentation you’ll learn how to bring the data form a database using Java and BlazeDS in the middle tier. We’ll consider two use cases – manual coding and auto-generation of a CRUD application.

About the speaker

Yakov Fain is Managing Director at Farata Systems, a US-based company that provides consulting services in the field of development of enterprise Rich Internet applications. He authored several technical books, and dozens of articles on software development. Recently he co-authored the books "Rich Internet Applications with Adobe Flex and Java: Secrets of the Masters" and "Enterprise Development with Flex". Sun Microsystems has nominated and awarded Mr. Fain with the title of Java Champion, which was presented to only a hundred people in the world. He leads the Princton Java Users Group. Yakov is Certified Adobe Flex Instructor.

Meeting Location and Time

Online meeting via Adobe Acrobat Connect
Meeting URL: http://admin.na3.acro...
Monday, March 29, 12:30 - 1:30 ET

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