Special ColdFusion Builder Event

Bay Area ColdFusion User Group
Thu, 22 Apr 2010, 01:30 - 03:30 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , San Francisco, US

This meeting will focus on the release of ColdFusion Builder. The advantage of having our meeting a month after the release, we all have time to dig in and share what we've found in ColdFusion Builder.

This meeting will be more "show and tell" among attendees. We can also broaden the discussion to include other IDE's. Why you will or won't be switching to Builder.

I've got a slide deck and demos from Adobe I can show off, but would love your participation.

I am eagerly awaiting some goodies from Adobe.

Also ... Jen from eSyncTraining will do a quick demo of their cool e-commerce and student lounge built in Flex and powered by ColdFusion.

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