Making the Leap: Options + Strategies for Migrating/Updating to SharePoint 2010

The Chicago Microsoft SharePoint Business Strategies Group
1-2 Jun 2010 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , Chicago, US

Upgrading to SharePoint 2010? Then don't miss out on this SharePoint User Group, taking place on Tuesday June 1st. In this session, we will discuss best practices for migrating existing content from various legacy sources to SharePoint 2010.
Making the Leap: Options & Strategies for Upgrading or Migrating to SharePoint 2010
With the release of SharePoint 2010 behind us, many organizations are actively searching for simple and reliable ways to consolidate existing content from various ECMs onto this latest release of SharePoint.
We will discuss some of the recommended migration approaches, key pitfalls to avoid, and tips to maintain consistent service levels in order to more effectively transfer content onto SharePoint 2010.

As always, pizza, salad and drinks will be provided. Business Intelligence User Group will follow immediately after the conclusion of ours in same space at 7.

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