Dynamic Languages in Silverlight

The New York WPF and Silverlight Meetup Group
10-11 Jun 2010 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , New York, US

There's been a lot of buzz about dynamic languages, including both Ruby and Python. If you're a Microsoft .NET programmer you don't need to be left behind. IronPython and IronRuby allow you to use these dynamic languages with Microsoft .NET.

Giuseppe Turitto will share with us his experience building Silverlight applications using dynamic languages. He will discuss how to get started with both IronPython and IronRuby. He will discuss the benefits of using dynamic instead of strongly typed languages and what pitfalls you should look out using the latest toolset from Microsoft.

Because I need to get the attendee list to Microsoft early for the building security, I must close registration at the end of the day on Tuesday, June 8th. Please reply right away if you wish to attend.

Giuseppe Turitto

Giuseppe Turitto is a developer with over ten years of experience in all stages of the software development life cycle in Windows and Web environments. He is skilled in data modeling, front and back-end programming and information architecture, focusing in the business requirements and user experience. Currently he is developing a “Family Office Administration Platform”, using ASP.NET, C# and JavaScript (applying AJAX techniques) for Cornwall Financial Group. He also uses Python, PHP and Ruby at Dorcas Garcia Design, a web development agency where he is partner. His professional experience includes working for The Bank of New York, International Fund Administration, Arroba Digital Systems Spain, BANESCO Financial Institution (Venezuela) and Borland Latin America. His lately interests are Data Visualization techniques, Semantic Web, and Artificial Intelligence.

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