Our 6pm (US ET) talk on Thursday Feb 10 will be "Migrating Existing Applications to ColdFusion on Wheels", with Chris Peters.
TOPIC DESCRIPTION: (provided by the speaker)
You're interested in ColdFusion on Wheels, but you have one big word in your vocabulary: legacy. You have a gigantic CFML application that would make the Flying Spaghetti Monster envious of its spaghetti-tasticness. Join this hour talk to learn what it would be like to finally start adding some structure to your uber application using the Wheels MVC approach, piece by piece.
But don't be fooled: rewiring a legacy application does not come without some challenges and a need for planning. No worries. I'll cover that with some different strategies to employ based on your specific needs and Wheels's features. You'll find that URL routing, ORM, and other OOP features in Wheels allow you to rebuild in small pieces, refactoring and integrating when needed.
MEETING URL: http://experts.acrobat.com/cfmeetup/
DURATION: Approx. 1 hour
Meeting will be recorded. URL will be posted after meeting at http://recordings.coldfusionmeetup.com
SPEAKER: (provided by the speaker)
Chris Peters is a member of the ColdFusion on Wheels core team of developers. He helps write documentation, maintains the framework's website, records screencasts, contributes code, and helps spread the word however he can. Chris works as a web developer for Liquifusion Studios, strong supporters and contributors of Wheels--and developers of the Wheels-based Reservoir CMS.
WHEN: Thurs. Feb 10, 6:00pm US ET (UTC/GMT-5)
What time is that for you? The following link shows what the time would be for you. Here's another option that shows the time as US ET, and lets you choose your city from the list offered to see what time that is in your own timezone.
RECORDING: As always, the meeting will be recorded, and the recording URL will be posted after the meeting at http://recordings.coldfusionmeetup.com.
In addition to the streaming recording, we not also post downloadable recordings (FLV, MP3, and MP4) usually within a day after each meeting, also offered as a link from the recordings page.
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