Dojo in Depth (Part 2)

New users are often intimidated by the breadth and depth of Dojo. In this talk we'll get into the guts of some of Dojo's advanced, but less well known, features. This talk will cover such topics as: JSON-RPC, in-page mashups with Yahoo APIs, alternative IO transport layers, non-browser runtim...

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Episode synopsis

New users are often intimidated by the breadth and depth of Dojo. In this talk we'll get into the guts of some of Dojo's advanced, but less well known, features. This talk will cover such topics as: JSON-RPC, in-page mashups with Yahoo APIs, alternative IO transport layers, non-browser runtimes, event-system magic, deployment optimization techniques, Flash and local storage, the undo stack, form validation, and functional programming helpers.

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“To iterate is human, to recurse divine” - L. Peter Deutsch