Romain Guy interview

In this short interview Romain Guy, who's still a french student working at Sun, will talk about the Synth look and feel, why he thinks you should use Swing instead of SWT You'll also get more information on the recently released Swing labs (still in beta) and how Romain got this great S...

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Episode synopsis

In this short interview Romain Guy, who's still a french student working at Sun, will talk about the Synth look and feel, why he thinks you should use Swing instead of SWT You'll also get more information on the recently released Swing labs (still in beta) and how Romain got this great Swing "job" at Sun. In addition Dion couldn't resist to ask Romain when to use Swing Vs AJAX.

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“Engineers are all basically high-functioning autistics who have no idea how normal people do stuff.” - Cory Doctorow