Deep Fried Bytes: Behind the Scenes at

Deep Fried Bytes

Learn how the operations team meets the demands for one of the top 5 websites on the Internet today. The team supports the server product teams at Microsoft by "dogfooding" products such as Windows Server 2008, SQL Server 2008 and IIS7 years before being released to custo...

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Episode synopsis

Learn how the operations team meets the demands for one of the top 5 websites on the Internet today.  The team supports the server product teams at Microsoft by "dogfooding" products such as Windows Server 2008, SQL Server 2008 and IIS7 years before being released to customers.  Keith and Woody sit down with Brad LeRoss and Jim Dobbin of the MSCOM team discuss the architecture and infrastructure, history of the team, the process of content delivery and a few funny stories.

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Show Notes

TechNet: Resources for IT Professional Engineering Operations Team Operations Blog Operations Performance Analysis of IIS 7.0/Windows Server 2008 The Tasty Morsels Found In Dogfood… MSCOM OPS Top 10 Changes In IIS7.0 Hyper-V IIS 7 Windows Server 2008 SQL Server 2008

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