.NET Rocks: Neil McIsaac Develops SharePoint in the Cloud

.NET Rocks

Carl and Richard talk to Neil McIsaac about building SharePoint sites in the cloud. The conversation starts out talking about the state of SharePoint development - that the combination of SharePoint 2010 and Visual Studio 2010 really works! Neil also talks about Silverlight's role in SharePoint a.

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Episode synopsis

Carl and Richard talk to Neil McIsaac about building SharePoint sites in the cloud. The conversation starts out talking about the state of SharePoint development - that the combination of SharePoint 2010 and Visual Studio 2010 really works! Neil also talks about Silverlight's role in SharePoint as well as LightSwitch. Finally, Neil digs into the challenges around SharePoint in the cloud. After spending some time talking about SharePoint hosting options, Neil digs into SharePoint Online, which is Microsoft's SharePoint offering in Office 365. Neil talks about the challenges of SharePoint in the cloud, including multitenancy, claims-based security and scalability. SharePoint works in the cloud!

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