.NET Rocks: Data Visualization at Oredev

.NET Rocks

The next collection of tales from Oredev focuses on data visualization. The first conversation is with Alastair Allan, talking about his experiences in visualizing the GPS tracking data stored by every iPhone 4. While it was generally known that the iPhone kept a record of every GPS location and

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Episode synopsis

The next collection of tales from Oredev focuses on data visualization. The first conversation is with Alastair Allan, talking about his experiences in visualizing the GPS tracking data stored by every iPhone 4. While it was generally known that the iPhone kept a record of every GPS location and WiFi connection, it was not until Alasdair's visualization application let anyone (especially reporters) see on a map exactly what was in their own phone that the story became a sensation. Next, a conversation with Jon Dahl about minimalist programming and it's impact on the readability of code - a different, yet still important type of visualization. Finally the show ends with a conversation with Nora Herting and Heather Willems of ImageThink. ImageThink was at Oredev to create, in real time, graphic visualizations of the keynotes and conference sessions. While not technical specialists themselves, Nora and Heather talk about how really listening to lectures and conversations about technology provides cues for what is important in the visualizations. Visualizations have power!

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