SharePoint Pod Show: SPC MVP Panel Discussion, SharePoint 2013, Cloud, and Yammer

SharePoint Pod Show

In this episode, Rob, Nick, Brett, and Jeremy catch up with the following SharePoint MVPs at the SharePoint conference and have a panel discussion over SharePoint 2013, the cloud, and Yammer.Ben RobbRandy DrisgillSpence HarbarPaul SchaefleinJohn RossWictor WilenMirjam

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Episode synopsis

In this episode, Rob, Nick, Brett, and Jeremy catch up with the following SharePoint MVPs at the SharePoint conference and have a panel discussion over SharePoint 2013, the cloud, and Yammer.

Ben Robb
Randy Drisgill
Spence Harbar
Paul Schaeflein
John Ross
Wictor Wilen
Mirjam Van Olst

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