Episode 065. Sorry for the lack of a podcast last week. To make up for it this week, I’ve included a song that you will hate me for.
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The Rails Envy podcast is brought to you this week by NewRelic. NewRelic provides RPM which is a plugin for rails that allows you to monitor and quickly diagnose problems with your Rails application in real time. Check them out at NewRelic.com.
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In This Episode:
- [ANN] Ruby 1.9.1 is released
- Riding Rails: Rails 2.3.0 RC1: Templates, Engines, Rack, Metal, much more!
- JavaScript Rocks! JavaScript Performance, Benchmarking and Tuning Ebook
- mamuso’s acts_as_unvlogable at master – GitHub
- Ruby for Desktop Applications? Yes we can. | Atomic Spin
- The Pragmatic Bookshelf | The RSpec Book
- tlvx: the tumblelog of luke crawford – The technical story of Muxtape
- Rails on Edge: Flash Video Tutorial with Rails, ffmpeg, FlowPlayer, and attachment_fu
- an internet luddite: Multiple Sinatra .90 applications in one process
- The Pragmatic Bookshelf | Classy Web Development with Sinatra
- Translate: New Rails I18n Plugin with a Nice Web UI – Newsdesk developer blog
- Rails I18n
- a work on process » Migrating from attachment_fu to paperclip
- techlog.fetmab.net » Blog Archive » One Button Rails Deployment on Dropbox!
- iDunno » Blog Archive » Released croc 1.0
- Internaut Design – 6 Scrum lessons every Rails developer should know
- Centostrano 0.2 Released! Easy Rails stack installation and setup on CentOS now with Phusion Passenger (a.k.a mod_rails / mod_rack) support!
- Multi-staging environment for Rails using Capistrano and mod_rails / Rails – cjohansen.no
- Typo 5.2 Helmut Newton for Rails 2.2 released : Typo official weblog
- Jake Scruggs: Metric Fu Now Includes Flay, Roodi, and Reek
- Want Git preinstalled on next Mac OS X? – GitHub
- I dropped Internet Explorer 6
- New Rails plugin – Quick Scopes @ Ramblings on Rails