New features in Doc-To-Help 2006 v1 include cleaner HTML code, icons for each collection item indicating where it came from, whether it was added manually by the user in the Project Editor or if it was specified in the document, more complete conversion of RoboHelp Projects and conditional build expressions to allow users to specify how a combination of conditional build tags work together. The glossary redesign allows users to choose whether they want popup links for glossary terms to be created automatically or not. Users also now have the option to place live links in their printed documentation instead of text references, therefore making the manual more robust when converting to PDF or when used in any on-screen viewing scenario.
The new version has a more flexible search facility. NetHelp offers popup windows or menus with topic lists appearing when a hotspot links to multiple topics, and multiple projects can be automatically combined, helping teams work together. Documenter is now integrated with Visual Studio, and can generate links for standard .NET Framework types in Help 2.0, and supports all tags supported by the free nDoc tool.