New ‘gauge' component

This article was originally published in VSJ, which is now part of Developer Fusion.
Dundas has updated its .NET Gauge component for digital dashboards and applications that require the real-time monitoring of performance indicators and other critical data.

Available for both ASP.NET and Windows Forms, Gauge for .NET version 2.0 has fully AJAX-enabled gauges, allowing developers to update the gauge at the client without postbacks, and its new Callback Manager allows you to execute JavaScript on the client, or update other controls on the page without having to refresh the entire page.

Other highlights include new frame styles, a new Glass effect, and an assortment of new 3D centre cap styles plus new 3D pointer styles to offer more customisation options. A Bullet Graph style has been added to the Gauge Wizard, providing a new way to indicate key performance indicators and compare actual to target performance. New colour schemes have been added to the Gauge Wizard Gallery, and it now comes with a sample library of images that can be used as custom back frames, top images, pointers, and caps. A full-featured evaluation copy can be downloaded from the Dundas web site.

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