New Studio Enterprise 2009

This article was originally published in VSJ, which is now part of Developer Fusion.
The primary focus in ComponentOne’s first release of Studio Enterprise 2009 is on Rich Internet and Smart Client applications with new Silverlight controls, ASP.NET controls reengineered on a new, lightweight Framework, and enhanced existing controls for the Windows Forms, WPF, iPhone, Mobile, and ActiveX.

ComponentOne’s Silverlight controls add support for the most popular Microsoft Silverlight Toolkit themes; its new image editing class, C1Bitmap, makes it possible to edit and transform images programmatically and three new controls have been added – C1PropertyGrid, C1TimePicker, and C1DateTimePicker. The new C1GridView for ASP.NET shares a similar object model to the Microsoft GridView, making for effortless transition while gaining features such as row filtering, virtual scrolling, and an extensive client-side object model. The biggest enhancement to the suite’s Windows Forms controls is its PDF for .NET control which now supports AcroForms/AcroFields and HTML rendering. Developers can create Acrobat forms with textbox, checkbox, radio button, push button, combo box, and list box. Given the lack of spell-checking capabilities in Microsoft Visual Studio, ComponentOne has added IntelliSpell to Studio Enterprise. This add-in spell-checks code, comments, strings, HTML, XML, resources and general text in both Visual Studio 2008 and Visual Studio 2005.

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