JetBrains brings out Xcode competitor for Objective C development

Building Objective C code has been largely a realm which Apple’s Xcode software rules. Now IDE and dev tools company JetBrains has made available an extremely early preview build of its AppCode IDE, which aims to compete with Xcode and provide a better Objective C development experience.

AppCode has a number of features that developers of JetBrains’ products will be used to already. IT comes with a smart editor that includes code completion; a debugger with breakpoints, variables, watches, and expression evaluation; and code analysis and fix suggestions. On top of that, AppCode includes an iOS simulator, creation and editing of Xcode 4 and earlier projects, as well as integration with the Interface Builder and refactoring support. Developers will also appreciate the Subversion, Git, Perforce and CVS integration included.

The AppCode Early Access Program gives developers a chance to test out the IDE’s current build on a 30-day license, in order to give JetBrains detailed feedback on how well it works. These early builds are great indicators of what features to expect in the final product, but may not be as stable, reliable, or bug-free as the final release will be. You can get the preview from the JetBrains site.

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