Competa Tech Talks

Competa organizes regular events at the conference centre, with technical presentations that will be of interest to technical IT staff. The events are held in the evening to make it easy for people to attend, and food and drinks are provided for free. Recent presentations have included IPv6, Open Solaris, Research Infrastructure, FreeBSD, Embedded systems, timekeeping, Web performance analysis, Puppet, Wireless, ZFS IPQoS Python and Django. Located at our offices in Rijswijk and easy to reach by car or public transport, the facilities are available for use by anyone with an interest related to the advancement of information technology. If you can give a presentation, or would like to hold a user group meeting or other event please contact Joyce on 070 42 77 555 or email [email protected]. To receive updates on further technical sessions please join the Competa Conferences Linkedin group. Why does Competa do this? Technology matures through the community around it. Non-profit organizations, such as user groups and other community-based initiatives, play an important role in the development of technology. Competa actively and enthusiastically supports and sponsors community-based technology initiatives. We like to get involved in all aspects of technology, and we know that ideas developing in the community today will have useful applications in business tomorrow. Competa cares about technology.

Events coming up

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We've got automatic conversion tools to convert C# to VB.NET, VB.NET to C#. Also you can compress javascript and compress css and generate sql connection strings.

“The trouble with programmers is that you can never tell what a programmer is doing until it's too late.” - Seymour Cray