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Pro NuGet (Professional Apress)

Pro NuGet (Professional Apress)
Maarten Balliauw, Xavier Decoster
15 Mar 2012
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Have you ever been to a place called dependency hell? Every dependency added to your software product is a potential increase in risk and needs proper management, especially if you do not own or have no control over one or any of the dependencies you're relying on.Pro NuGet will help you gain a solid architectural understanding of how to manage software dependencies using NuGet, an open-source package management tool for the .NET Framework.

Editorial Reviews

Have you ever been to a place called dependency hell? Every dependency added to your software product is a potential increase in risk and needs proper management, especially if you do not own or have no control over one or any of the dependencies you're relying on.

Pro NuGet will help you gain a solid architectural understanding of how to manage software dependencies using NuGet, an open-source package management tool for the .NET Framework. Providing practical guidance through a multitude of examples and more advanced scenarios, you'll gain full knowledge of how to make the most benefit from using NuGet in your software development process.

The book authors, Maarten Balliauw and Xavier Decoster, have adopted NuGet in their professional tool belts from the moment it was released. Having experienced its common pitfalls and successes, you are sure to be in good hands with these experts.

What you’ll learn

  • Gain a solid architectural understanding of how to manage dependencies using a package management tool in .NET
  • Learn how to interact with NuGet using both the graphical user interface and the command line
  • Set up your own NuGet repository and develop a basic NuGet server application
  • Explore different automation scenarios leveraging NuGet, including continuous integration and automated deployment
  • See how NuGet can be used to accomplish other goals, such as delivering plug-ins or modules to a web application
  • Use MyGet, a NuGet-as-a-Service web application, to quickly set up an enterprise-ready environment that enables you to benefit from all of the goodness of NuGet in no time!

Who this book is for

This book is for .NET developers, technical leads and enterprise architects who have experienced dependency hell or are looking for a solid pattern to maintain external references in a project using NuGet. Demonstrating both core concepts and more advanced scenarios using NuGet, you'll quickly learn that NuGet is an invaluable asset that will make your toolbox shine.

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