Pro .NET 2.0 Windows Forms and Custom Controls in C

Pro .NET 2.0 Windows Forms and Custom Controls in C
Matthew MacDonald
01 Dec 2004
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Renowned author Matthew MacDonald combines careful treatment of the API with detailed user-interface design principles. Further, this book incorporates C# and the final beta of .NET 2.0. The result: thorough coverage of Windows Forms and GDI+ namespaces for you .NET programmers! You will become equipped to design state-of-the-art Windows interfaces and program graphics, and learn how to create your own controls. As a developer, you must know more than just how to add a control to a window.

Editorial Reviews

By using C# and the final beta of NET 2.0, this book covers Windows Forms and GDI+ namespaces thoroughly for the .NET programmer in 2005. Experienced author Matthew MacDonald achieves this by combining careful treatment of the API with detailed discussion of solid user-interface design principles. This is an update for .NET 2.0 of MacDonald’s previous edition (1590590457) which gained wide community recognition. Upon reading this edition, you will be equipped to design state-of-the-art Windows interfaces and program graphics, and know how to create your own controls.

As a developer, you must know more than simply adding a control to a window. You must be able to create an entire user interface framework that's scalable, flexible, and reusable. Although this book is not a reference manual, it contains detailed discussions about user interface elements you’ll use on a regular basis. You will learn to use .NET controls, as well as extend them with your own custom controls.

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