Beginning C# Objects: From Concepts to Code

Beginning C# Objects: From Concepts to Code
Jacquie Barker, Grant Palmer
17 May 2004
Purchase online looks like I finally found the book I've been searching for the last couple of months. — Joseph Walrave Beginning C# Objects: From Concepts to Code is a comprehensive yet approachable guide for anyone interested in learning the C# language, beginning with the basics.

Editorial Reviews

Beginning C# Objects: From Concepts to Code is a comprehensive, yet approachable guide for anyone interested in learning the C# language, beginning with the basics.

To begin, this book addresses the two fundamental concepts that programmers must grasp in order to write a professional object-oriented C# application: the nature and characteristics of objects, and the structure that allows you to take best advantage of C#s object-oriented makeup.

In addition to the basics of C# syntax, this book introduces object terminology—teaching you how to think in terms of objects—and provides an introduction of object modeling, illustrating how to translate an object model into C# code with ease.

For folks who have already attempted to learn C# but are still having trouble mastering C#'s object-oriented nature, the case study format of this book will be invaluable in showing you how to translate a UML model into a fully-functional C# application.

An overwhelming number of programmers are now moving to C# as their language of choice for developing powerful, maintainable, scalabe software applications. Whether you're learning C# as your first programming language, moving to C# from a non-object-oriented language, or have previously programmed with C# but still feel unsure when it comes to object aspects, this book is a perfect fit for you.

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