Programming C# : Building .NET Applications with C#

Programming C# : Building .NET Applications with C#
Jesse Liberty
22 Feb 2005
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Jesse Liberty's Programming C# provides an adept and extremely well conceived guide to the C# language and is written for the developer with some previous C++, Java, and/or Visual Basic experience.

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Customer Reviews

shutterbug said
This used book was exactly as promised and was sent and delivered promptly, at a fair price. I would happily use this vendor again.

IE said
I never got the book. I emailed the seller and he did not reply to my emails.

Robert G. Scheffler said
I found this book one of the most confusing I've owned and I've bought 20 books in the past two years. The Author has a choppy writing style that leaves me highly confused. An example is the chapter on delegates and events...a short introduction, a complex example, a little more complex example, then more of a complex example...too much code samples and not enough concepts! I think a book should explain a basic concept with a short example first, then develop upward. Out of my collection of a few dozen books, I'm sad to say this ranks the lowest.

coloradoguy86 said
This is one of, if not the single most poorly written book I've ever read. If you want to read from a monotonous author who is overly presumptuous about your prior programming knowledge, then buy this book! But if you want to learn anything about programming C# in a somewhat reasonable, logical way that doesn't make you want to jump off a bridge - buy another book.

I'm an experienced php programmer with moderate knowledge on the principles of object-oriented programming, and this author just confused me more. Don't ever buy this book other than maybe as a reference if you're already an expert.

Claude Keswani said

A natural first step for me when looking for a book is to see what O'Reilly has available. This book was the first hit in my search results. And that hit was a homerun. Jesse Liberty has written a rare Dot Net book, a book that does not waste precious text (read time) editorializing on the wonders of Dot Net or prediciting the extinction of all things not MS. The organization of material is natural and intuitive and Liberty's writing style encourages the reader to keep turning pages without resorting to corny jokes to do so.
Sections are handily decorated with comments pointing out areas where C# diverges from the legacy of its C++ and Java heritage. I've read more books than I care to mention that would have doubled their value had they included such annotations.Example code is relevant and well thought out; and it's available for download. Between this book and the near-infinite resources online, I don't think I'll need another C# book in my library.
This was a great book and I'd recommend it to anybody.

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