Intro to Ruby on Rails

Jersey Shore Web Developers
12-13 May 2011 (Add to calendar) GMT
Brickwall Tavern and Dining Ro , Asbury Park, US

Intro to Ruby on Rails

1) What is Ruby, Rails, and the whole MVC paradigm
2) Over of the notion of Convention over Configuration and Scaffolding
3) Basic Overview of some Ruby code (write a blog in 15 minutes example)
4) How can I migrate from PHP (or other languages), get started, and learn more
5) Questions & Answers

Information/Notes on Rails:

Why’s (Poignant) Guide to Ruby
The “classic” getting started point for any aspiring ruby programmer

I start every monday watching the new Railscast, where Ryan Bates teaches you ruby on rails in 10 minute video snippets.

37 Signals
The creaters of Ruby on Rails - they initially built it to power their flagship project management tool, Basecamp, but have expanded and done (quite) well for themselves over the years.

Rails for Zombies
A new product from the Envy Labs crew, Rails for Zombies offers online classes on learning Ruby on Rails right within your web browser.

Free, (mostly) painless hosting for your rails projects.

About The Speaker:

Bret Morgan is the co-founder of, a start-up aimed at making merchandising simple and affordable for musicians, small business, schools, and other budget-minded individuals and Cowerks, the “Jersey Shore’s” first co-working community. He is also the founder and lead developer for DBL Systems, a Ruby on Rails development shop serving mid-tier businesses, design and marketing firms, & other development agencies. In his spare time he practices and teaches Ashtanga yoga, surfs, rides bicycles & travels to remote locations of the globe, sometimes all at once.


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