Problem using dbms_pipe,utl_file

oracle India
  • 15 years ago
       what is the difference between is and as in the procedure.some say they are same.but there has to be some difference.
  • 14 years ago

    I agree that there is no difference between the "is" and "as" commands

  • 14 years ago

    There is no difference between 'is' and 'as'

  • 14 years ago

    i tried dbms_pipe,utl_file but it is not working. plz any body tell me what is is showing errors.

  • 14 years ago

    I appreciate that English may not be your first language but you will get a better response if you take the time to formulate a proper explanation of the problem and instead of saying things like "it is showing errors" give a list of the errors/unexpected output that it produces.  You will also find that, by giving your post a name which describes the problem, you will attract the attention of people who may be able to help you, simply saying "help me" doesn't tell anyone anything because almost all posts are from people wanting help!!!  If you need any help writing English  try using an online translator like Babelfish!!!

    I deleted your duplicate post, we do not allow duplicates as it can lead to frustation when looking for a particular post/topic as well as making the forums disorganised/cluttered. 

    I apologise if any of this sounds rude, I hope that by using the forums correctly you recieve the assistance that you require.



  • 14 years ago


    Please let me the Error Code or if you send code its batter & easy to solve.


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