Implementing Error Logging

Page 3 of 4
  1. Overview
  2. Why use error logging?
  3. Implementing error logging
  4. Testing

Implementing error logging

Almost all ASP errors throw the "500 - Internal Server Error", we are going to replace this page with a custom asp script that logs information to a database. I usually create two versions of this file, one for development and another for production.

The steps below walk you through implementing this feature.

Step 1 - Create your table. I have included a SQL script to run against SQL Server.

Step 2 - Place the error.asp file on your server. Make sure you change the connection string information.

Step 3 - Right-click on the directory or site and select the properties option. Choose the custom errors tab.

Step 4 - Select the 500:100 HTTP Error and hit edit properties.

Step 5 - Change the message type to URL and point to error.asp.

Now we'll create the error.asp file:

<%@ Language=VBScript %>
<%Response.Buffer = True%>
<head><title>ASP 3.0 Error Demo</title></head>
<% ', never leave home without it! %>
<!-- #include file = ./ -->
 On Error Resume Next
   'Referencing the error object
   set objError = Server.getLastError()
   strNumber = objError.AspCode
   strSource = objError.Category
   strPage = objError.File
   strDesc = objError.Description
   strCode = Server.HTMLEncode(objError.Source)
   If strCode = "" then strCode = "No code available"
   strLine = ObjError.Line
   strASPDesc = ObjError.ASPDescription
   'You get the entire context of the page that had the error.
   'Review the server variables to see if you would want to store more information.
   strRemoteAddr = Request.ServerVariables("REMOTE_ADDR")
   strRemoteHost = Request.ServerVariables("REMOTE_HOST")
   strLocalAddr = Request.ServerVariables("LOCAL_ADDR")

   'Your basic ADO stuff.  This is generic code.  I would use a stored procedure to do this on SQL Server.
   set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
   set Conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
   'SQL Server Connection, make sure you put in your information!
   conn.ConnectionString = "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;User id=;Password=;Initial Catalog=;Data Source=;"
   rs.Open "tblErrorDemo", conn, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic, adCmdTable
   'Adding Record
    'The datetime is set on the backend as a default value.
    rs("er_number") = strNumber
    rs("er_source") = strSource
    rs("er_page") = strPage
    rs("er_desc") = strDesc + ". " + strASPDesc
    rs("er_code") = strCode
    rs("er_line") = strLine
    rs("er_remote_addr") = strRemoteAddr
    rs("er_remote_host") = strRemotehost
    rs("er_local_addr") = strLocalAddr
   <table width="50%" align="center" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="1">
      <td width="200">Error Number:</td><td><%=strNumber%></td></tr>
      <td width="200">Source:</td><td><%=strSource%></td></tr>
      <td width="200">File:</td><td><%=strPage%></td></tr>
    <tr valign="top">
      <td width="200">Description:</td><td><%=strDesc + ". " + strASPDesc%></td></tr>
      <td width="200">Code:</td><td><%=strcode%></td></tr>
      <td width="200">Line:</td><td><%=strLine%></td></tr>
      <td width="200">Remote Address:</td><td><%=strRemoteAddr%></td></tr>
      <td width="200">Remote Host:</td><td><%=strRemoteHost%></td></tr>
      <td width="200">Local Address:</td><td><%=strLocalAddr%></td></tr>
   <b>I put a link on each error code giving the development staff more information and instruction for each type of error.</b>
   <table width="100%" align="center" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="1">
    <tr bgcolor=#ffff00>
      <td align="center">Error Code</td><td align="center">Error Message</td><td align="center">Extended Information</td></tr>
      <td>ASP 0100</td><td>Out of memory</td><td>Unabled to allocate the required memory.</td></tr>
      <td>ASP 0101</td><td>Unexpected error</td><td>The function return exception_name.</td></tr>
      <td>ASP 0102</td><td>Expecting string input</td><td>None</td></tr>
      <td>ASP 0103</td><td>Expecting numeric input</td><td>None</td></tr>
      <td>ASP 0104</td><td>Operation not allowed</td><td>None</td></tr>
      <td>ASP 0105</td><td>Index out of range</td><td>An array index is out of range.</td></tr>
      <td>ASP 0106</td><td>Type Mismatch</td><td>A data type was encountered that cannot be handled.</td></tr>
      <td>ASP 0107</td><td>Stack Overflow</td><td>The quantity of data being processed is above the permitted limit.</td></tr>
      <td>ASP 0115</td><td>Unexpected Error</td><td>A trapple error occured in an external object.  The script cannot continue running.</td></tr>
      <td>ASP 0177</td><td>Server.CreateObject Failed</td><td>Invalid ProgId</td></tr>
      <td>ASP 0190</td><td>Unexpected error</td><td>A trapple error occurred while releasing an external object.</td></tr>
      <td>ASP 0191</td><td>Unexpected error</td><td>A trapple error occurred in the OnStartPage method of an external object.</td></tr>
      <td>ASP 0192</td><td>Unexpected error</td><td>A trapple error occurred in the OnEndPage method of an external object.</td></tr>
      <td>ASP 0193</td><td>OnStartPage Failed</td><td>An error occurred in the OnStartPage method of an external object.</td></tr>
      <td>ASP 0194</td><td>OnEndPage</td><td>An error occurred in the OnEndPage method of an external object.</td></tr>
      <td>ASP 0240</td><td>Script Engine Exception</td><td>A script engine threw exception.</td></tr>
      <td>ASP 0241</td><td>CreateObject Exception</td><td>The CreateObject caused an exception.</td></tr>
      <td>ASP 0242</td><td>Query OnStartPage Interface Exception</td><td>The querying object OnStartPage caused an exception.</td></tr>

   'Kill them their objects
   set rs = nothing
   set conn = nothing
   set objError = nothing
   Response.Write Err.description

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