Creating a Windows Service in VB.NET


If you want to write application that constantly monitors some files, creates a log file, or anything else which runs constantly in the background while the machine is busy doing something else, the best way to this used to be to run a windows application continuously or at a regular interval with the use of Windows scheduler. There was one big disadvantage to this -- someone had to log into the system to start the application.

This sort of activity has been long put behind us thanks to Windows services. For Windows NT/2000. In this article we're going to learn what a Windows service is and also how to create our own, using VB.NET.

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About the author

Jayesh Jain

Jayesh Jain New Zealand

Jayesh Jain is working as a Business Analyst in Auckland, New Zealand. He has several years of n-Tier development experience in developing interactive client solutions. He has a passion for Web ...

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