VB.NET Tutorials & Articles
An Internal Application Message Bus in VB.Net
by John Rivett-CarnacWorking with threads gets complicated quickly as you work to stop them falling over each other. One way to organise threads so that they co-operate without tripping over each other is to use a messaging mechanism to communicate between them. John Rivett-Carnac looks at one such implementation of internal application messaging.
An Introduction To FSharpx
by Dan MohlDan Mohl introduces FSharpx, a community-driven, open source set of extensions for the F# language
Learn F# Programming
by Ted Neward and Jessica KerrProviding both leading-edge functional programming and familiar object-oriented capabilities, F# gives the developer more power to solve problems -- all in fewer lines of code, thanks to succinct syntax.
Enhancing your applications for Windows 7
by Kevin GriffinWindows 7 brings new salvation for .NET developers, and it comes in the form of the Windows 7 API Code Pack for the.NET Framework.
C# 4.0 goes dynamic - a step too far?
by Mike JamesIs C# in danger of too much change? Mike James ponders the implications of dynamic types in C
The Future of .NET Languages
by Damon ArmstrongWondered why Microsoft always seems to release different language features for each language? Discover how .NET 4.0 will reduce the disparity between C# and VB.NET with some great new features for both languages, plus a new dynamic language runtime and new functional and parallel programming languages.
Spatial data in SQL Server 2008
by Jason FollasJason takes you back to those high school geometry lessons and demonstrates how to take advantage of the new geospatial and geometric data types in SQL Server 2008.
ASP.NET Patterns every developer should know
by Alex HomerIn the first of three parts, Alex looks at some of the basic patterns in ASP.NET, and how you can apply these to your ASP.NET applications in a few simple steps.
Introducing Visual Studio .NET 2008 - Top 10 Features
by Mark SmithAfter a long beta period, Visual Studio .NET 2008 is finally on general release. There are a ton of new features and enhancements in this release that make it almost a no-brainer to upgrade - I thought I’d take a moment and list my top ten favorites in no particular order.
Why Patterns
by Andy ClymerWe look at the rise of 'patterns' in the developer community, and how they've evolved to help communication between developers and understanding more clearly the intent of a given piece of code.
Common Intermediate Language
by Granville BarnetttGranville gets down with the CLR, and takes a look at CIL/MSIL - the intermediate language that every .NET language gets compiled to, and has full access to the capabilities of the CLR.
Improving Application Quality Using Test-Driven Development (TDD)
by Craig MurphyWhat is the one activity or phase that improves the quality of your application? The answer is an easy one: Testing, and plenty of it. Traditionally, testing is a phase somewhere towards the expected end of the project - when the cost of any code or requirement changes is known to be much higher. Craig looks at how TDD can address this by adopting a more agile approach.
Top 10 Application Security Vulnerabilities in Web.config Files - Part Two
by Bryan SullivanIn this second part of a two-part series, you will learn about application security issues related to authentication and authorization, as well as five vulnerabilities commonly found in ASP.NET web-based applications. Additionally, find out how to keep configuration files from being unintentionally modified by uninformed programmers or administrators, as well as why it is critical to never rely on default setting values.
Top 10 Application Security Vulnerabilities in Web.config Files - Part One
by Bryan SullivanIn part one of this two part article, you will learn about five of the top ten “worst offenders” of misconfigurations of application security that can cause overall problems for ASP.NET Web-based applications. Learn more about how to secure the Web.config files of an ASP.NET application.
Read and write Open XML files (MS Office 2007)
by Zeljko SvedicLearn how to read and write Open XML files in the new Microsoft Office 2007, with a particular examination of the Excel file format.
Interacting with the web using WebRobot v1.0
by Fernando SanchezIn this tutorial, we will learn how to use the WebRobot component to interact with web sites, by filling out forms dynamically and uploading files from a simple VB.NET application.
Bin Packing
by Mitch ★An implementation of the most common Bin Packing algorithms. Visually representing the computed data will also be discussed.
Using WMI From Managed Code
by Andriy KlyuchevskyyWindows Management Instrumentation (WMI) is Microsoft's implementation of Web-Based Enterprise Management (WBEM) and the Common Information Model (CIM). Although WMI is COM-based, Andriy Klyuchevskyy shows you how you can access it from C# and VB.NET through System.Management, thanks to COM Inter-Op.
High-Performance .NET Application Development & Architecture
by Dimitrios MarkatosThis article demonstrates the art of creating and architecting high-performance and scalable .NET applications, covering all stages, from planning to development and their perspective best practices.
New features for web developers in ASP.NET 2.0
by Alex HomerASP.NET 2.0 brings enhanced performance and many new features that make the web developer's life easier. Alex Homer takes you through what's new.