VBA in Excel


One of the first things you will want to know how to do is select cells and apply formatting/text to them. Fortunately, this is very simple.

If you want to select a cell on a spreadsheet, you can use the Range object. This object is very useful. It 'points' to whatever cell or cells you specify, and then lets you perform an action (ie selecting it, or applying formatting). You pass the same cell references as you do in the rest Excel (ie C3). So, to select B4, you use this code:


If you want to select more than one cell, you pass a range of cells. To do this, you specify the top left hand corner cell, and the bottom right hand corner cell, with a : in-between. For example, to select B6 to D8 (ie from B6, 3 cells down, 3 cells across), you simply use this code:


Obviously, if you are using Loops to add or select lots of cells, you won't want to have to generate the column letters. Instead, Excel also provides a Cells object, which instead of accepting "B6", it accepts 6,2, ie Row,ColumnNumber. So,


does the same as


Once you have selected cells, you will probably want to refer to them, and to do this, you use the ActiveCell (to refer to one cell... in a selection, it is the cell that is white), or Selection to refer to a group of cells.

Single cell selection

Multiple selection


Msgbox ActiveCell.Value

displays a message box containing the value of the active cell, and

Selection.Font.Bold = True

makes all the text in the selection bold. More on formatting in the next section...

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James Crowley

James Crowley United Kingdom

James first started this website when learning Visual Basic back in 1999 whilst studying his GCSEs. The site grew steadily over the years while being run as a hobby - to a regular monthly audien...

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