For this, first we connect to our ip2country database.
<% strConString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source=" strConString = strConString & Server.MapPath("ip2country.mdb") Set objCon = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") objCon.Open strConString %> |
The connection to database is now open. We will now create the query & run it.
<% strSQL = "select co_name from ip2c where ip_from<=" & strIPN strSQL = strSQL & "and ip_to>=" & strIPN Set objRs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") objRs.Open strSQL,objCon %> |
after running the query, we need to display the results. We can do so by
<% If NOT(objRs.EOF) OR NOT(objRs.BOF) Then strCountry = objRs.Fields("co_name") %> Your IP Address is :- <%=strIP%><br> Your Country is :- <%=strCountry%> <% Else %> Your IP Address is :- <%=strIP%><br> Your Country is :- <b>unlisted</b> <% End If objRs.Close objCon.Close Set objRs = nothing Set objCon = nothing Set strSQL = nothing %> |
Thus it will display the IP Address & the Country of the Visitor. If the Country of the Visitor is not listed in the database, it will display the country as " unlisted".
Now, time for the full code in one piece.....