A Console IRC Bot

Responding to Commands

My plan was just to display data, but let me show you how you can respond to commands. I know this could be solved cleaner, but I'm writing this as a proof of concept and to explain what would be required and how it works.

We want to welcome everyone joining a channel. But we want it by notice. When someone joins the IrcJoin method gets called:

private void IrcJoin(string[] IrcCommand) {
      string IrcChannel = IrcCommand[2];
      string IrcUser = IrcCommand[0].Split('!')[0];
      if (eventJoin != null) { this.eventJoin(IrcChannel.Remove(0, 1), IrcUser); }
} /* IrcJoin */

Which in turns fires the join event and gets processed in our console app:

private void IrcJoin(string IrcChan, string IrcUser) {
      Console.WriteLine(String.Format("{0} joins {1}", IrcUser, IrcChan));
      IrcObject.IrcWriter.WriteLine(String.Format("NOTICE {0} :Hello {0}, welcome to {1}!", IrcUser, IrcChan));
      IrcObject.IrcWriter.Flush ();
} /* IrcJoin */

I modified our console app a bit so it would create an object of itself in the Main with our IrcObject as a private variable. That way I can access the IrcWriter I created in there. Of course it is a bad idea to make that writer public. A better practice would be to create methods like NoticeUser , KickUser , etc... to control it's behaviour. But that exceeds the purpose of this article.

This concludes how you use C# to get on IRC.

Here are some ideas where you could extend this application:

  • Listen for certain triggers in the channel, then do some action. (Example: ' !google searchterm' , have your app do a query and reply the results)
  • Make this bot an opp and listen in PRIVMSG for a user to authenticate and op him. (Authenticate him against Active Directory, that way you'll learn how to work with AD as well)
  • Detect kicks against trusted users and take action to prevent takeovers, or auto rejoin when the bot gets kicked.
  • ...
Hopefully this answered the question, feel free to contact me when you have any questions.

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