Container classes

This article was originally published in VSJ, which is now part of Developer Fusion.

The Microsoft HTML Document Class, which comes with the Web Browser Control or MSHTML Object Library, provides a rich and featured set of classes for retrieving and manipulating HTML pages. However, there are a number of drawbacks to using this class when writing an Internet mining application such as a web crawler:

  • Overhead: Images will be automatically downloaded. This provides unwanted overhead when the task in hand is simply to examine or retrieve the contents of the page itself.
  • Dialog Boxes: Any page encountered with an unknown font, required password or any such problem will cause a dialog box to display, halting the application until it is closed.
  • Hanging: Especially bad since Windows 2000 – I have had trouble with sessions that suddenly stop responding unless stopped and restarted.

In this article, we will develop a simple, light-weight HTML Container class that can be used for retrieving and processing web pages. We will look at how to grab an HTML document from the Web and how to the parse the information once it has been retrieved. The project is available for download in both a C# and a VB.NET version, but only the C# code is listed in this article.

Requesting a Page from the Web

The basic functions provided by the HTML Container class are the ability to load source from a URL and parse the loaded HTML. Since we need something to parse before we can parse it, a look at how to request a page from the Web would seem to be the logical first step.

We will use the HttpWebRequest and HttpWebResponse classes, which are part of the System.Net namespace. A multi-step process is necessary to request and load a page from the Net. First, a web request is initiated by invoking the Create method, which is passed a URL and returns back an HttpWebRequest object. We then invoke the GetResponse method of this object to return an HttpWebResponse object. Now GetResponseStream method is called to return a Stream object, which can be read using a StreamReader. Once all the appropriate classes have been instantiated, we begin a loop using the Read method of the StreamReader to load 256 bytes at a time until we have reached the end of the stream. If that weren’t enough, we are still faced with the job of converting our character array to a string object, which will then be concatenated to another string as each pass is read. The basic process is listed below:

System.Net.HttpWebRequest hrqURL
    = (System.Net.HttpWebRequest)
System.Net.HttpWebResponse hrspURL
System.IO.StreamReader srdrInput
    new System.IO.StreamReader(
char[] chrBuff = new char[256];
int intLen = 0;
string strSource = “”;
    intLen = srdrInput.Read(
    	chrBuff, 0, 256);
    string strBuff = new string(
    	rBuff, 0, intLen);
    strSource = strSource + strBuff;
while (intLen > 0);
m_strSource = strSource;

You can save a little typing by using the “Imports” statement in VB.NET or the “using” statement for C# to declare the namespaces at the beginning of the source code. This will allow you to skip typing the fully qualified names when using the classes. For this project, we will also want to import the System.Text and System.Text.RegularExpressions namespaces. Additionally, the C# version uses the System.Collections, which contains the ArrayList class, which will compensate for the missing ReDim statement, which is not supported.

After loading the source, we save it to the private variable, m_strSource which will be exposed to the object owner via a Source property. This property will be both read and write, so as to provide a way of loading the class directly from text. As we’ll see later on, there are also some useful properties in the HTTPRequest object, like the host name and content type, that will be populated upon a successful load. These need to be cleared when the Source is set directly:

public string Source
    { return(m_strSource); }
    	m_strSource = value;
    	m_strHost = “”;
    	m_strCharacterSet = “”;
    	m_strContentEncoding = “”;
    	m_lngContentLength = 0;
    	m_strContentType = “”;
    	m_strLastModified = “”;

Parsing the HTML Document

Now that we have a way to populate the class, let’s take a look at making sense of what’s there. If you’re not familiar with Regular Expressions, you will have need to look them up to fully understand what follows. There have been numerous books written on regular expressions, and even a quick look at the basics is beyond the scope of what space permits here. However, we can take a look at a very simple example that will at least whet your appetite for more. We will use several regular expressions to parse the HTML Document, but the simplest is the following:


This tells the regular expression engine to find a pattern that begins with a less-than sign, ends with a greater-than sign and includes everything in between. This regular expression will match any tag. Now let’s look at matching an entire block, such as a <HEAD></HEAD> entry. We can match everything in the HEAD block with the following regular expression:


A special note is warranted here. You need to be aware of the conventions of the language in question when assigning strings such as the one above. C# will normally interpret the “\s” portion as an escape sequence. Embedded quotes are also a potential issue with either VB.Net or C#. With C#, it is possible to use an extra slash (“\s”) but it is generally easier to prefix the string with an at-sign (“@”), which will tell C# to ignore escape sequences and is similar to how a quoted string is encoded by VB.Net. The following table illustrates the point:

Desired Regular Expression \s”\n
C# (Method 1) “\s\”\n”
C# (Method 2) @”\s””\s”
VB.Net “\s””\n”

Using the power of regular expressions, we can extract the raw text from our document using only a few lines of code. This type of regular expression for the HEAD tag will work for most, but not all, HTML tags. Some tags do not need an explicit closing tag – such as <BR>. Other tags, such as a comment tag, use a closing tag which is not in the standard form – a slash followed by the tag name. We will deal with the problem of non-closed blocks later, but for now we will write a function that will accept a tag name, returning the proper regular expression that will match that tag’s contents, assuming there is a corresponding closing tag:

private string
    (string strTagName)
    string strPatternTag;
    if (strTagName == “!”)
    	strPatternTag = “<!.*?->”;
    	if (string.Compare(strTagName,
    		“!doctype”, true) == 0)
    	strPatternTag =
    	if (String.Compare(
    	strTagName, “br”, true) == 0)
    		strPatternTag =
    		= @”<(“ + strTagName +

If there no closing tag is present, this match will fail and if so, we will take everything that lies between the tag in question and the less-than sign – or end of file. Let’s put all of this together and write a routine that will accept any tag name, and return the contents irrespective of the existence of a closing tag.

private string GetTagByName (string
    strTagName, string strSource)
    string strPatternTag =
    string strPatternTagNoClose
    	= “<” + strTagName +
    RegexOptions opts
    	= RegexOptions.IgnoreCase |
    Match m;
    string strGetTagByName;
    m = System.Text.RegularExpressions.
    		strPatternTag, opts);
    if (m.Value == “”)
    m = System.Text.RegularExpressions.
    		strPatternTagNoClose, opts);
    	if (m == null)
    		strGetTagByName = strSource;
    		strGetTagByName = m.Value;
    	strGetTagByName = m.Value;

We can now pull out any single tag, or the first of multiple tags, given its name. As you may have noticed, the above function was declared as private so it is for in-class use only. Soon we will write a public function called GetTagsByName that will return an array of tag contents and which will be suitable for returning the data for any tag, whether it is found one time or many times. First, let’s add properties to return the HEAD, TITLE and BODY. For the HEAD and TITLE properties, we can just return the results of GetTagByName, passing the appropriate tag name. For the BODY, we need to be a bit more careful. It is possible that we could encounter a document with no HEAD or BODY tag at all. In such a case, GetTagByName will return a null string and will simply return the entire document:

public string Head
    		“Head”, m_strSource));

public string Title
    		“Title”, m_strSource));

public string Body
    	string strBody
    		= GetTagByName(“Body”,
    	if (strBody == “”)
    		strBody = this.Source;

Extracting the Text

We now have everything to pull out the raw text from the document. The text will be found in the BODY portion of the document so we will start with this. Then any comments plus anything found between SCRIPT blocks will be stripped. Next we will remove all remaining tags. Everything left over should be the textual content of the page.

Having extracted the text from the surrounding tags, we still have the possibility of encoded ISO characters like the famous &NBSP;. We will write a routine (not listed) to search for each of these and replace the ISO character with its corresponding ASCII equivalent. Lastly, use a while loop to remove any repeated blanks. The code listing for the Text property as well as a helper function to strip the comments appears below.

public string Text
    	Regex r = new Regex(“”);
    	RegexOptions opts
    		= RegexOptions.IgnoreCase |
    	string strText = this.Body;
    	strText =
    	string strPattern =
    	strText =
    		strPattern, “”, opts);
    	strPattern = @”<[^>]*>”;
    	strText =
    		strPattern, “ “, opts);
    	strText = ISOtoASCII(strText);
    	strText = Regex.Replace(
    		MatchCollection m;
    		strText =
    						@”\s\s”, “ “);
    		m = Regex.Matches(
    			strText, @”\s\s”);
    	while (m.Count > 0);

string StripComments()
    Regex r = new Regex(
    return( r.Replace(m_strSource,

Iterating the Tags

We are now ready to write GetTagsByName, which will accept a tag name and return an array containing the contents of all matching items. We initially might be tempted to re-write the single tag routine GetTagByName to use a Match Collection rather than a single Match, returning the value of each item. This is not going to work. Consider the following HTML snippet:

    		<LI>Hello Mars!

If we want to return the <UL> tag contents, the regular expression used by GetTagByName will return the entire snippet. This is correct for the first UL tag’s contents but the remaining <UL> tags will be ignored. To solve this problem, we will first create a Match Collection that matches just the opening tag rather than the entire contents – the <UL> tag itself in this case. Then we will iterate through each of these matches, calling GetTagByName, but passing only the portion of the document that begins at the point of that particular match. Let’s take a look at how to put it all together. GetTagsByName will begin as usual by stripping out comments. Of course we will only want to do this if the tag being requested is not itself a comment. Next we will create a Match Collection by applying a regular expression that will return a Match object for each matching item. Finally, we will loop through the collection, calling GetTagByName for each matching tag. Note that the Index property of the Match object will indicate the position of the match – so it is a simple matter to pass only the portion of the document that begins where that tag begins:

public string[] GetTagsByName(
    string TagName, string Source)
    RegexOptions opts
    	= RegexOptions.IgnoreCase |
    string strPattern;
    if (TagName != “!”)
    	Source = StripComments(Source);
    		= “<(?<TagName>” + TagName +
    	strPattern =
    		“<(?<TagName>” + TagName +
    MatchCollection mc
    	= Regex.Matches(
    		Source, strPattern, opts);
    ArrayList strTagContents =
    	new ArrayList();
    foreach(Match m in mc)

Another useful function to add would be one to return all HRefs on each page. We could write a routine to retrieve all the anchor tags, and then pull out the HRef portion, but we can get a better throughput by writing a specific regular expression especially for this purpose:


The ?<HRef> in the expression will capture the appropriate portion of the anchor tag and assign it a group name of HRef, allowing us to refer to it later using the syntax:


We will also go ahead and normalize the HRefs as well by prefixing the server or protocol if missing. So, if the current page is, an entry such as:


…will be normalized to:

The normalization will be skipped for any null tags or tags beginning with the “#” character. Here is the complete listing:

public string[] GetHRefs()
    string strSource = StripComments(m_strSource);
    Regex r = new
    	RegexOptions.IgnoreCase |
    MatchCollection mc = r.Matches(Source);
    ArrayList strHRefs = new ArrayList();
    foreach(Match m in mc)
    	string strHRef = m.Groups[“HRef”].Value;
    	if (strHRef != “”)
    		if (Left(strHRef,1) != “#”)
    			if (Left(strHRef,1) == “/”)
    				strHRef = m_strServerURL + strHRef;
    			if (String.Compare(Left(strHRef,7),
    				“http://”, true) != 0)
    				if (String.Compare(Left(strHRef, 3),
    					“www”, true) == 0)
    					strHRef = “http://” + strHRef;
    					strHRef = m_strPathURL + strHRef;
private string Left(string strString,
    int intLen)
    if (strString.Length <= intLen)

Let’s Have Some Feedback!

I am a stickler for feedback. I’m one of those people who think there are few things worse in life than waiting for a computer. Assuming we have done our best to provide a reasonable response time, we also need to provide the user with status information when available. Our time vulnerable area in this project is during the LoadSource routine, which is dependant on the whims of the Internet Goddess to get packets though quickly. Let’s add a couple of events that we can use to pass back status information to the user. One will fire during the loop that loads the content from the StreamReader, indicating the number of bytes loaded so far along with the total length. These can be subsequently used to populate the Value and Maximum properties of a Progress Bar. The second event will pass back textual status information. Here is the full LoadSource function, complete with the added events and a timeout feature, which should always be present in such a loop. Note that the content length is not always returned by the server, so a default length is used if none is available.

public bool LoadSource(string URL)
    m_strURL = URL;
    	= 40000;
    string strSource = “”;
    string strHost = “”;
    string strServerURL = “”;
    string strPathURL = “”;
    string strCharacterSet = “”;
    string strContentEncoding = “”;
    long lngContentLength = 0;
    string strContentType = “”;
    string strLastModified = “”;
    int intTotalLength = 0;

    if (m_strURL == “”)
    	if (LoadStatus != null)
    		if (LoadStatus != null)
    		if (LoadProgress != null)
    				0, 0);
    		HttpWebRequest hrqURL
    			= (HttpWebRequest)
    		HttpWebResponse hrspURL
    			= (HttpWebResponse)
    		StreamReader srdrInput
    			= new StreamReader
    		char[]chrBuff =
    			new char[256];
    		int intLen;
    		if (lngContentLength <= 0)
    			lngContentLength =
    		if (LoadStatus != null)
    		DateTime tmeExpire = new
    		tmeExpire =
    			intLen = srdrInput.Read(
    				chrBuff, 0, 256);
    			string strBuff =
    				new string(
    				chrBuff, 0, intLen);
    			strSource = strSource
    				+ strBuff;
    			intTotalLength =
    				+ intLen;
    			if (intTotalLength >
    				lngContentLength = 
    				2 * intTotalLength;
    			if (LoadProgress != null)
    			if (
tmeExpire, System.DateTime.Now ) < 0)
    				if (LoadStatus
    					!= null)
    	LoadStatus(m_strURL, “Error”);
    	strHost =
    	Match m = Regex.Match(
    	if (m == null)
    		strPathURL = hrspURL.ResponseUri.
    		AbsoluteUri + “/”;
    		strPathURL =
    	Substring_(0, m.Index) + “/”;
    	m = Regex.Match(
    strHost, RegexOptions.RightToLeft
    		| RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
    	if (m == null)
    		strServerURL =
    			(0, m.Index +
    	strCharacterSet =
    	strContentEncoding =
    	lngContentLength =
    	strContentType =
    	strLastModified =
    	if (LoadStatus != null)
    	if (LoadStatus != null)
m_strHost = strHost;
m_strServerURL = strServerURL;
m_strPathURL = strPathURL;
m_strSource = strSource;
m_strCharacterSet = strCharacterSet;
m_strContentEncoding =
m_lngContentLength = lngContentLength;
m_strContentType = strContentType;
m_strLastModified = strLastModified;
if (LoadProgress != null)

Ready to Mine

The Internet is a wonderful information source, and there is nothing like automation to increase the power. The project presented here can be used as a basis for many other applications that need to access data found on the Internet – such as retrieving a stock quote. Although many features could be added, the class is quite useful as is and should provide a good solution in many situations.

Both VB.NET and C# versions of the source code as well as a GUI demonstration project can be downloaded from

Jon Vote is an independent consultant based on the west coast of the USA. He is a Microsoft Certified Solution Developer (MCSD), with a degree in Computer Science from Southern Oregon University. He can be reached at [email protected].

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