An Introduction to Programming with Java Applets

An Introduction to Programming with Java Applets
Elizabeth Sugar Boese
27 Feb 2009
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An Introduction to Programming with Java Applets provides a clear introduction to the art of programming for the one-term course. It prepares students with the tools they need to create sophisticated programs efficiently and with ease. Boese assumes no prior programming knowledge, and begins with an introduction to computing, then gradually moves into programming, giving students the opportunity to create their own programs. The text focuses on the essentials and places more detailed information

Editorial Reviews

An Introduction to Programming with Java Applets provides a clear introduction to the art of programming for the one-term course. It prepares students with the tools they need to create sophisticated programs efficiently and with ease. Boese assumes no prior programming knowledge, and begins with an introduction to computing, then gradually moves into programming, giving students the opportunity to create their own programs. The text focuses on the essentials and places more detailed information in "Advanced Concept" sections for those who would like to delve deeper into particular concepts. With numerous practice exercises and an accompanying student-learning Web site, Introduction to Programming with Java Applets is the clear choice for your introductory course!

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