JRuby Cookbook

JRuby Cookbook
Justin Edelson, Henry Liu
18 Nov 2008
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If you're interested in JRuby, you probably don't need a turorial on Ruby, Rails, or Java -- you just need to know how to get things done. This Cookbook offers practical solutions for using the Java implementation of the Ruby language, with targeted recipes for deploying Rails web applications on Java servers, integrating JRuby code with Java technologies, developing JRuby desktop applications with Java toolkits, and more. Using numerous reusable code samples, JRuby Cookbook shows you how to: In

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Customer Reviews

Having heard about this book several months before its publication, I was very happy to find that it had exceeded my expectations. As a Java developer very interested in Ruby, I was somewhat surprised at the lack of printed documentation on JRuby. I found this book to be very up-to-date, practical, and easy to follow, with examples that I could immediately apply. Particularly useful for me were the sections on setting up your environment with JRuby, Rails, and your preferred IDE, as well as deploying rails with various application servers. The instructions for all the main app servers on the market were extremely clear, and I was able to get things up and running in very short order. Also, I found the chapter on Enterprise Java integration to be especially useful, as it provided specific recipes for using JNDI, JMS, integration with Spring and Hibernate frameworks. I would highly recommend this book for any JRuby enthusiasts out there, looking for a solid and comprehensive springboard into the technology.
Thank you Justin and Henry!

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