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Data Structures and Abstractions with Java (3rd Edition)

Data Structures and Abstractions with Java (3rd Edition)
Frank Carrano
26 Sep 2011
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Data Structures and Abstractions with Java, 3e, is ideal for one- or two-semester courses in data structures (CS-2) in the departments of Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Business, and Management Information Systems.This is the most student-friendly data structures text available that introduces ADTs in individual, brief chapters — each with pedagogical tools to help students master each concept.¿Using the latest features of Java, this unique object-oriented presentation makes a clear

Editorial Reviews

Data Structures and Abstractions with Java, 3e, is ideal for one- or two-semester courses in data structures (CS-2) in the departments of Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Business, and Management Information Systems.

This is the most student-friendly data structures text available that introduces ADTs in individual, brief chapters — each with pedagogical tools to help students master each concept.¿Using the latest features of Java, this unique object-oriented presentation makes a clear distinction between specification and implementation to simplify learning, while providing maximum classroom flexibility.

Author Frank Carrano's Making it Real blog extends his textbooks and lectures to a lively discussion with instructors and students about teaching and learning computer science.

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