Practical WPF Graphics Programming

Practical WPF Graphics Programming
Jack Xu
30 Nov 2007
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The Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) is a next generation graphics platform that is part of .NET 3.0 and .NET 3.5. It allows you to build advanced user interfaces that incorporate documents, media, 2D and 3D graphics, animations, and web-like characteristics. "Practical WPF Graphics Programming" provides all the tools you need to develop professional graphics applications using WPF and C#. This book will be useful for WPF and C# programmers of all skill levels.

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Customer Reviews

A. H. Veldhuizen said
Not for the beginner. It is difficult to understand and, in my view, the contents could have been more clearly written.

Sam Goodman said
If you have an inkling of interest in WPF, you have to have this book. Back in the 80s, "Kernel" and "Internals" books were the standard for technical literature. This book is at the same level. It will show you why it works certain way and how to do it yourself. Very uncommon today, when most technical books are useless a year after publication.

This book is most complete and a definitive work on WPF. Initially, I thought the price was a bit high but now that I have the book in my hands, I am glad I got it. Highly recommended. Six stars :)

Another Reader said
Xu goes beyond the usual blog-based, simplistic discussions and examples. The text is concise and insightful. I continue picking up the book to delve into the latest topic of interest, such as, 3D geometries, models, and translations, etc.

Agha Khan said
Well like previous reviewer I have purchased almost every book on WPF programming that has been published in the last two years.
I have seen one sample from other book, where on a 3D cube has a 2D button, otherwise all samples are original. It is a unique book and reading is to the point and simple. Only I wish that it should contain some game examples.

For complex rotation please check my samples at [...]
I have sent him email, which he replied.

Robin T. Wernick said
I have purchased almost every book on WPF programming that has been published in the last two years. I want to build a new look to my graphic programs and I don't want to pay the $1400 or more that some graphic library vendors are charging. I have specific needs for 3D Charts and data displays that this book meets very well.

This book introduces the subject of WPF graphics better than any of the other books that I have read. It's introduction to the design of 3D graphics shapes and their projection onto a 2D plane is comprehensive and very clear. Even after reading the previously published books on this subject, I was delightfully surprised to discover that this book gave me a better understanding of XAML, shape transforms, animation, and placement of 2D objects on 3D surfaces than I thought possible.

If you want to thoroughly master graphics programming or steal a few choice secrets for a custom view, this is the book for you. Dr. Xu's book has exceeded all my expectations and I'm giving it a five star rating.

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