HTML, XHTML, and CSS: Your visual blueprint for designing effective Web pages

HTML, XHTML, and CSS: Your visual blueprint for designing effective Web pages
Rob Huddleston
03 Jun 2008
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If you’ve ever been curious about any of the multitude of internet acronyms, the web technologies they represent, and how they can benefit you, this book is a great place to start. This book covers all the necessary topics to get up and running with HTML, XHTML, and CSS while offering readers a guide to modern, standards-based design.

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Customer Reviews

J. K. said
Every opening in this book is an individual lesson. You turn a page and you get a new lesson. There is no fluff and no puff, just plain facts. The writer knows his stuff and writes in a pleasant and effective manner. Everything is easy to understand. Most of the teaching is done through pictures. The HTML pages and CSS files used in the book can be downloaded from the web. I did not know a thing about the HTML and now I have two web sites running! Mind you, this a good book to start with but you will also need more advanced books later on. The blueprint concept of this book is excellent. And the book is compact and can be easily carried along. It is worth mentioning that this book is up-to-date as RSS feeds, Google Maps and Blogs are discussed in detail.

The transition from the HTML to CSS was good but not perfect. Some of my concerns were not fully addressed and I had to use the web to find the answers. In any case I highly recommend this book for the novices and internediates as well. You cannot go wrong by choosing this book.

Vanessa J. Morris said
Greetings; I love this text. This is the first html text where when I did the examples, they worked - no drama. I use this text to teach an intro web design course at Drexel University. Students find it useful; other professors appreciate its thoroughness couched in simplicity. Love the two-page tutorials. Especially appreciate coverage of Web 2.0 tools, and usability and accessibility standards. Great text for university level instruction.

Dr. Dave said
As a Web design teacher who deals with these issues on a daily basis, I have already decided I will use this as a textbook in the future. My students range from completely uninformed to reasonably practiced developers. This book will work equally with all of them.

Others have addressed the depth of the topics of the book, so there is little I can add there. I wanted to say how much I appreciate how short the lessons are. Although the book is designed for more advanced Web designers, a neophyte wanting to learn to develop Web pages could pick this book up and work through the lessons in short and easy steps, becoming reasonably well informed developers.

I also particularly appreciate the appendices in the back. One addresses XHTML, and the other Cascading Style Sheets. They are both easily used and full of information.

I highly recommend this book and plan to use it in relevant graduate and undergraduate courses (actually, I also plan to keep it by my side while I work). Now if I could just find a similarly satisfying XML book.


East Coast Reviewer said
I bought this book thinking it would provide a good overview of HTML. Turns out it also provides a very good understanding of web page design. I've been doing (very poor) HTML and some CSS for years. Now I realize that I still have a lot to learn, and this is the book that will help with the learning process. Even though I have a bit of experience, I've started at the beginning of this book and already learned a lot. And I'm only up to page 50! This book is well thought out, very logically laid out, and is a wealth of knowledge. And this book is also a great reference. Each two pages essentially stands on its own. Frankly, a great book regardless of your experience level.

O. Sanders said
What a great pickup this book has been! As someone who has worked with html at the code level for many years, I picked this up with the intention of honing my CSS skills. After reviewing the topics I already felt comfortable with so as to make sure I was doing things correctly, I was able to quickly get up to speed on the topics that most interested me.

Arranged so that skills build progressively through the book coupled with clear, bold page headers it is simple to flip through and easily find any section you are looking for. I especially like the way the author broke down large topics into smaller, scalable sub-topics that are clearly explained on two pages, eliminating the back and forth page flipping that some authors make necessary.

In addition to covering the most basic of html and CSS, the author doesn't shy away from introducing more advanced uses such as alternate-use style sheets and even the creation and implementation of RSS feeds.

This isn't a `dummies' book that tries too hard to be clever and jokey, it is a serious resource that quickly and clearly gets to the point while avoiding the dryness that some books fall prey to. I've never picked up a Wiley Press book before but will definitely consider them in the future.

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